Our Welsh Corgi

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Edible poo?

So the last couple days haven't been horrible leaving Oliver by himself, but it does seem like he might be eating his own feces...that or he's not pooping too much and smearing it everywhere.

Yesterday was fine, everything was done on the pads. I had to walk him alone for my post-dinner walk, and the pre-bedtime walk because Tim worked late. Late at night, he didn't poop right away, and after he did, it seemed all he wanted to do was bite my pants. He was trying to run right into me while we were walking. He would also try and grab something with his mouth and run as fast as possible. I was so annoyed.

Tim seemed to say the same thing in the morning - he wanted to eat anything and everything.

This afternoon I came home to see that he pooped on the newspaper. AND he was laying in it. Dried poop was sticking to him, which I still have to see if there's any left, and I finally decided to replace the puppy pads. I left them for 2 days, which maybe I should have changed them yesterday, but I don't know.

I'm hoping to move down to 3 pads (instead of 4) over the weekend, but we'll have to see how tomorrow goes.

Back to cleanup!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Poop Everywhere!

So I went to Petsmart today and got a gigantic box of puppy pads, but as I was walking, I came across the most adorable thing. Thoughts?

That was fun...but here's the rest of the day...

So today was the first official day that we left him unattended for 8 hours. I came back, very nervous, but I found Oliver in his crate, and poop and pee all over the PADS. I praised him for keeping it in a contained area. If he can do this again for a week, then I'll take away one of the pads. It was nice to see that he stayed in his crate as a last resort since there was no where else to go.

I gave him dinner and I walked him, but he only peed during the walk. Probably because he took it out on the pads. I was annoyed though because it was raining outside, and we took two walks around the block to make sure there was nothing on its way. He hasn't gone potty since we came back, so I'm cool with it, I guess...after completely soaking myself in the rain.

We will be going out for a nice meal with Clint and Snannon real soon. Oliver is napping. Yay!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Doing okay...

So after the trauma of being urinated on, I crated him while I went to pick up my proofs, then let him out when i came home. my mom and dad came by and oliver let out a little on the newspaper out of excitement.

dinner was ok, and oliver did pee on the pad once prior to dinner. sweet! i missed it, of course. i'm assuming the rest of the night will be perfect, so i hope not to blog til tomorrow!

Are you serious???

So I wouldn't have done any blogging until tonight, but the unimaginable happened. I crated Oliver for 3 and a half hours so that I could stop by work, and I came back, and he was just lounging...i decided i might take him outside, so i started putting all the stuff together, because i was also contemplating taking him to go get my wedding proofs with me. Um, not anymore! As I was putting some bones in a bag on my shoulder, Oliver did the unthinkable....he peed on me. HE PEED ON ME!!! It got all over my left leg and a part of my couch, and he was tinkling as i ran him to the pen and just kinda dropped him in there. He stopped of course after I put him down. AARRGH!

I scrubbed the carpet and floor with my socks. I gotta go find new pants to wear.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Holy Busy Bone!

Nothing too big to note today. everything went as we would hope, except he pooped in his pen again today. The puppy pads are so white that whenever he pees, it looks dirtier and dirtier. I cleaned out the pen today, took up all the pads (he managed to pee at least once in each square - all but one were soiled) and set down only 4. I noticed that the last 2 places for him to pee were closest to his crate entrance, and then closest to his food. SO... I put 4 down, and then got another newspaper and piled them on in the places without pads.

We took a little larger walk at pre-bedtime, and then played some with the tennis ball, then crated him immediately. He should hopefully sleep well.

The only thing I'm concerned about tonight is that I bought these purina "busy bones" that are supposed to help clean his mouth, and it was this huge bone that looked like a good 4 inches of my forearm. I didn't expect it to be so easy to chew, and I didn't even know if he'd like it, but he went through more than half of it. That was around 7:30. But it kept him busy while I tried to clean up the pen. He did poop before bed, but I am thinking the AM one will be a MONSTER...if he can hold it through the night. I took the remains and I'm going to feed it to him maybe in a couple days. It is really slimy and gross with all his saliva all over it.

He also walked very well today. We can't decide if he's getting better or if we're leading better.


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Busy day

So today was rather busy, because 1) we're exhausted, 2) we had to move all the stuff out of our storage into the house, and 3) we had to take a futon up to Milwaukee.

Tim and I were supposed to get up early this morning to do some work...we got up at 6 and fed Oliver and took him out, but he peed right after he ate, so he didn't go inside. We all then slept until 11, and Tim and I started unloading our storage. Oliver peed again sometime while were doing all the moving.

We all then went out and did more moving stuff, stopped by my parents' house and ate, and I got back just in time to feed him dinner. He looked like he didn't do any damage while I was gone.

I walked him and he peed and pooed after dinner, but it did look like he had a little more poop to come out, but I really needed to park my car, so I dropped him back off here and parked. I came home to a nice little doodoo on the pads, which Oliver was trying to almost eat, which was disgusting. He was still licking at the remains and I will refuse to let him lick my face for I don't know how long, ESPECIALLY since we don't know if he still has worms.

Well, at least the business is all on the pad! haha.....I sprayed the entire front rooms and the bathroom (because i dumped the poop in the toiled) with some spray. Reminds me of the days that Tim has really bad gas.

Friday, August 25, 2006


So after dinner we came back and all was good - we walked him and had a good night. He didn't pee any more in the pen, but that's probably because we had him crated for a majority of the day.

We played with him for a little after his walk with a tennis ball, and he loved it. He was slipping on the hard wood floor and it was so cute. I can't wait until he can actually fetch.

Tomorrow is just another day...

Nice Quick Walk

Oliver was extremely frisky before I fed him....I made him sit still before he got his food.

What I noticed that was really funny is that Oliver more than ever was trying to keep inside his crate. He took ALL his toys into there and any time I threw one across the pen, he ran, got it, and brought it back to the crate. I wonder how much these pads are messing with his senses.

We went for a walk and did the poo and the pee thing, and I brought his rope bone out and I threw it whenever he started to lay down. It didn't work as well towards the end because there were so many people coming home from work that he was so distracted.

He is now PASSED out again. Dogs are so funny.

Tim and I are planning on going out to dinner tonight. I am contemplating that Oliver will chew through the pads while we are gone if we decide not to crate him while we are out. I think we should.

Haha, YAY!

After padding the ENTIRE pen, he finally peed on the pad. I gave him a big treat. He peed somewhat near his crate...not in a place where he generally went on other occasions, but it's okay. Small baby steps...


So I let him out at about 12:15pm, and of course he pees on the newspaper. That's IT, i'm padding the whole pen.

Gotta start over

At least I didn't wait until next week to find out that Oliver would pee everywhere but the pad. Yes, he peed off the pad again.

I cleaned up the mess and put him in his crate. I also just sprayed the entire pen with that odor removing spray. I'm debating padding a large area just so that he can get used to it. Maybe the whole pen?

I'm just going to start over and pretend that he has no idea (which he doesn't), and crate him for 3 hours at a time. It's 8:30 right now, so I'll let him out at 11:30, and in the meantime, decide what I'm going to do with the puppy pads....

Little tinkle...

so he let out a little bit on the newspaper. I think we took some steps back yesterday when I scared him while he was pooing. I only noticed because I thought I saw him in that pooping stance.

He just got into his crate by himself though, so that's good!


So as we were walking him on his morning outing, he hit his right leg on the curb as we were walking (Tim was maybe a little rough with his tugging on the leash because oliver was trying to run the other way) and he started yelping. We were really scared that he really hurt himself, and he limped for a while, but after a while he was fine.

He did his duties though. Yay!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

nite nite!

so instead of him bumming on the grass, i lifted him and forced him to walk during his pre-sleep walk. i think I was only outside for about 15 minutes or so. He peed and pooed, so he should be good for the night.

I think I'll go run errands tomorrow and return a bunch of stuff.

'Til tomorrow...

Bursts of Energy

So I fed Oliver and then took him out. I was on the phone so I wasn't paying too much attention to him. He was running around like crazy and jumping on people. He did poop so that's good.

I put the medication in his eye for the 2nd time today. He doesn't seem to have a problem with my fingers in his eyes. I brought him back into the house and he just slumped on the floor. Wouldn't even walk back to his pen on his own. Where did all the energy go?

I think Oliver likes Tim more now....

: (

He peed off the pad. But he peed right in the spot where he pooped. Maybe I should extend the potty pad radius?

As I was cleaning up...

I saw some pee marks on newspaper while I was cleaning up that last poop. I actually saw quite a few. I wonder how they weren't visible on the top paper.... Maybe he doesn't completely have that pee thing down yet...

So Close!!

So he peed again on the potty pad (YES!) so I gave him a treat. But about 15 minutes later, unexpectedly, he pooped on the newspaper, and I actually startled him as he was going, but when I lifted him up, his poop fell. I was too late.

We NEED to get this poop thing down before I start work! I have exactly a week left.


He pooped outside. How AWESOME would it be if he only pooped outside all the time???


So this morning it was raining outside and we didn't take him out. He didn't pee until 9am, which was YAY! on the pad. I think he's got the hang of the pee thing.

However, he's not pooped at all yet. I wonder if he's trying to hold it for outside! We're heading outside to find out.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Happy Bday Rick and Chris!

So we went out to dinner and we tested Oliver on his abilities to stay out of the crate (in the pen) on his own. He did NOT poop (we were sure he would) and we took him out for the pre-night elimination and he did poop AND pee. Good boy!

Oliver did pee on the pad once before I left. I have been rushing to wash my hands quickly to make sure I wouldn't miss his peeing, but of course he snuck it in while I wasn't looking.

Overall today he did really well. He looked very sedated from his vet trip - but right now he has lots of energy. Hopefully he can cool down before we go to bed.

Tomorrow I might do some errands. I have lots to do but I can't put a list together of exactly what to do. We'll find out! My summer is deteriorating day by day.


No poop at dinner

So he did poop after coming back from the vet, but not this time at dinner. I bet he'll have a big one ready for our evening walk prior to bedtime. He did pee on the pad again (I missed it because I was putting together his food at 4:30) so it looks like the pee part is successful! We just have yet to see a successful poop on the pad (rewarded with a treat).

Going out for Ricky and Chris's birthday tonight!

And the blog slows down...

as I start to get more into a routine, it's now the same old stuff. he got up for the usual AM business, and as I was napping this morning (I was out 'til 2am helping andrew get settled in Milwaukee) he did pee on the pad. I unfortunately missed it so I didn't give him a treat.

I took him to the vet today and they said he had an eye infection, so I have to stick some cream in his eyeballs 3x a day for 10 days. I'll probably do it at the same time he gets his meals and once before bed.

He also has ringworm, so he got a dewormer today and I'll have to do it again on the 6th.

Other than that, he's 8.2 pounds and healthy. The ladies at the vet office loved oliver. I'm glad we have such a likeable dog.

After the vet, he was exhausted, but I was determined to get him to poop, especially since he got a rectal thermometer in his pooper and he had a lot of treats while he was there. It took a while, but he finally did, and now he's in the pen just napping.

I'm reading up on pup stuff, and then I really gotta start focusing on my own life for a change.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

While Mommy Was Out ...

So, while mommy was out, I was in charge of all things Oliver. He was napping when mommy left and I was told to walk him at 9:30 and then get him ready for bed.

Well, I walked him and we got around to the end of the block with a pee break, but he really didn't seem like he wanted to go any further, at least not on the leash. So I decided to bring him home and play with him inside, now that he had done his business. I got out the mini tennis balls and we played a little fetch, but it was really "chase the ball". He has taken a liking to the ball, and I let him keep it in his pen.

But then, at about 10:20 he went pee again. It was on the puppy pad so I was very excited. But then at 10:30 he started to poo, this time not on the puppy pad. I was kindof surprised. I mean, this was the first time he had pooed in his cage in a while and he had never really went poo right before bed. Oh well, I cleaned it up and put Oliver to bed. Its time to get ready for another early morning.

Ok so far...

so he peed and pooed after dinner. yay! I'm crating him until Tim arrives at home because I'm going with my bro to Milwaukee.

see ya later!


2:01 - got a treat for peeing on the pad!!!


Peed at 12:45 on the newspaper. Sigh...

Let's try it out...

So he pooed before before breakfast. He had his breakfast and peed a little in the pen. We cleaned that up, and then both took him for another walk.

We had trouble seeing him pee outside because he seemed to stop multiple times and pee in small amounts but he did poop again while he was out there.

So we decided to leave him out of his crate all day today. Uh oh!!! I might not take him out until the dinner walk. He's still chewing a bit on the newspaper, but oh well. So far he's been tinkling in small amounts, and at first, right after breakfast, he tinkled on newspaper again, but just now, he peed on the pad. I was sleeping so I didn't see him go on it, and didn't give him a treat. I'm looking into the crate and seeing that there are little droplets of yellow spread across the paper.

He's chasing his tail. Cute!

I don't know why I'm so exhausted still.

Puppy Play date

So when I took him to the car, we were already running late, and I wasn't about to let him lie on the ground, so I carried him the whole way. What a stinker! He got royal treatment.

The play date went well...Butters was really excited and kinda intimidated Oliver for a while, but they both calmed down for a bit. At one point, we thought we should tie Oliver to the railing while we ate our human food, but we took him off once he tried to climb the stairs too fast and fell downwards back to the ground. He was like a bouncy ball! Oops.

He got to roam the backyard (I wish we had one of those) and that was really nice. We think we saw him poop while we were there, and we gave him a treat for it, but when we went to look for it, all we saw was a big poop that surely didn't come out of Oliver's butt! We never found the poop - but oh well. The grass was long and it was kinda dark. It will be a delightful surprise someday for Jill and Scott when they mow their lawn. Good fertilizer!

Oliver has a vet appt. tomorrow morning. That should be fun. We're also thinking about this puppy training class which starts in 2 weeks...Looks like it might be worth it, seeing as Tim and I have never been dog owners.

They should be back for breakfast soon...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Why doesn't he like to walk?

So I walked him after his dinner, and BOY did it take forever for him to get off his feet. SO ANNOYING! When does this end???

He did his poop and pee. But I had to hold his poop bag until he decided he wanted to get his butt moving.

Time for me to chill out...

Fun day

So after that whole annoying extravaganza, I took a nap until 10:30 and then got in the shower. Oliver was barking too much and slowed me from getting into the shower, but finally I just let him go. I was afraid (because I still am) that he'd pee on himself, but he didn't! Yay! We went for a walk and in that 11am hour he eventually went pee and poo. He didn't go at first so I picked him up (impatient I was) and took him in for a drink, and took him right back out. He kept laying down every few steps, lazy bum!

After that, we took the drive up to my parents' place. My brother and parents got to meet him and he was very well behaved. He napped while I ate lunch and helped my mom make some food.

I then went with my brother to PetCo and he took a pee (around 3pm) before we went. I bought him a new type of treat. Went with peanut butter this time, and a moist treat. Let's see how it holds.

Then I took him home and he napped so quietly in my lap while I drove. It was perfect. I'm feeding him in about 10 minutes and taking him out for exercise and potty.

Then I guess we'll just chill until we head over to Jill/Scott's. Fun!

Gotta wash my skin. I reek of dog.

Puke and Darn Newspapers

SO Tim comes back asking for another bag. Apparently Oliver threw up. WHAT??? I wonder what happened.

Tim said he pooed but doesn't know about peeing. He only gave him a treat for pooing.

Then they came back at about 7am, and Oliver is munchin' at the newspaper. I'm getting frustrated with him. Bad boy!

Not a great morning.

Better go and watch him. Might need to take up those newspapers if I get too annoyed.

I'm putting him back in the crate at 8.

There he goes again with the paper!


Breakfast time...

So we're thinking he was peeing as he was staring at this other pup, but I don't know. I'm a bit annoyed that he was out there too long (until 6:34pm), because now Tim is outside walking him for a good amount of his morning. If Tim had to leave at 7am for work, he would have no time to get himself ready.

He's gotta stick to just the 15 minute window and if he doesn't go, then feed him and then let him out immediately. Gotta be EFFICIENT people!!!

Last night puppy woke me at 3, and I went out there and just fell asleep on the couch just to get him barking. I GOTTA stop that, but it's my natural instinct. Anything to get him to shut up. I wish I slept heavy enough that I couldn't hear it. So I slept on the couch for 3 hours. Oh well. Needless to say, that's probably while I feel irate right now...more irritated than I would be on any other morning.

Anyway, I'll be blogging in a few after he does his second outing. Back in a few.

Not back from wake up pee...

I am guessing that Oliver hasn't peed yet because they're not back yet. Not good! I should have told him to bring him in to eat immediately at 6:15 just so he could eat then take him out.

I'll BRB...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Feeling a little routine...

We kept him in the crate until 9:10 and then headed out for his final pee of the day. Successful. Tim doesn't think Oliver likes his treats. Elana suggested them to me and I have read they are a good healthy treat. Maybe on the next go round I'll take him to the shop and see what he finds appealing.

We remodeled his bachelor pad once again with newspapers. I think he'll tear them up, but we'll find out tomorrow. I groomed him while Tim set up shop. I have been really annoyed with his eye gook, when we got him, it was caked into the hair of his right eye. I felt like I was hurting him, but I scraped it out with my nails finally.

I have been spraying Oliver with this berry scented spray. I sprayed a little too close today and he jumped. I wonder if he's going to HATE baths. We'll find out about that too.

My strategy for tomorrow - since we need to slowly move him into the schedule of being out all day, I am going to try a 2-3-2-3-2-3-1 schedule. Which means, starting at 6am, he'll be in and out of his crate for a certain number of hours (denoted by the number above). I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow, but I'll try to follow it and see what happens.

Puppy play date tomorrow! Yay! Here we come Butters!

After dinner delights...

As we ate our steaks, Oliver had his meal, and Tim and him went out for a 45 minute excursion. They were gone from 4:45pm to 5:30ish. He did both of his business tasks, so he should be all set until before it's bedtime. Tim said it took him a while to brew up the poo.

Looks like they are both pooped right now.

'Til later...

Good boy...

Not going to talk long - Catherine and Karla are here for a quick steak snack before they head off. But just wanted to say that Oliver was successful in not making a mess while we were gone at the cubs game again (in the crate, that is) and when we got back we took him out for a pee. This was about 4:10pm.

Yay! Almost dinner time!

Jeepers Peepers

So he got all excited when he was greeted by Karla. He peed on the cardboard around 1pm.

I guess you can't help it when a pretty girl comes your way, eh?

More Pics

He looked so cute, I just had to. Here's Oliver's bachelor pad and one picture outside from the morning walk.


I like when Tim posts. Then I go and spell check for him. Gotta love it! Tim left his empty diet coke can at the desk when he was blogging. I am going to make him aware of it yet again. Oliver has been lots better at his training in the last 3 days than Tim has in the last 4 1/2 years.

I love my boys!

Oliver loves Daddy!

So after our morning outing, I (daddy) took a nap until 11am, when it was time to take Oliver out for potty again. But when we set him on the puppy pad to put on his collar (or pre-potty ritual), he took a pee on the puppy pad. We were happy to see him pee on the pad, rather than the floor, but we wish that we would have taken him out just a little earlier.

So then when we took him outside, there was a much bigger dog walking by that lunged at him. The other dog's owner held him back, but Oliver was so scared that he let out a little tinkle. Two tinkles in 3 minutes! I decided not to give him a treat since I didn't want to reward him for being scared. My puppy has to be a brave puppy.

So then we continued our walk and we bumped into Nicole from our building. She was walking her dog, which was a mid-sized, 2-year old, and they enjoyed playing with each other for a few minutes. They jumped around and sniffed each other's butts. Then as we continued Oliver decided he had to go pee again. 3 tinkles in 15 minutes. That has to be a record.

As we started home Oliver found one more spot of grass that was nice and he let out a nice doody. My only concern however, was that he wasn't eating his treats after he went potty. I put it in front of him, but he didn't seem excited about it. It was more like, "Gee, another treat. No thanks." I made sure he ate it, but we might need to look into upgrading our treats. It seems like our puppy is a little finicky.

Pee time!

He just peed on the pad! 11am. We were just about to take him out, but I guess he knows it's okay to go there now that he's poopied on there already. Definitely better than our floor/carpet, and obviously better than the cardboard. Tim's still going to take him for a walk.

Not too shabby.

I think we need to just test and see if he'll go there on his own now when he feels the urge when we don't take him out. Maybe sometime this week.

But hey, he held it in his cage!

Changed my mind...

he started laying down, so I put him back in his crate. we'll see what happens. He should probably nap anyway.

Can I just quickly say...

I feel like I'm training two here. Not only do I have to deal with Oliver, but getting tim up in the morning, making sure he throws away his garbage, making sure he makes the bed if he's the last to get out...haha. Geez.


So I actually got a full night's sleep! I didn't once leave the bed. And we came out to see Oliver ready to go. Looked like he really needed to go though, because as we were putting him on the potty pad, he started to tinkle. At 6am we left and it was just a little while before the real tinkle happened. Can you believe he waited until he got outside?!?! I love it.

So we walked just a little bit more but nothing else, so we got back right in time for breakfast. He ate and a minute later, we immediately went out again, where he pooped and peed. Yay! So here we are at 6:45 ready to just hang out!

So now that we have a little more of a scheduled routine, our first outing is just pee, our after breakfast outing is pee and poo.

Yesterday he -

TIME OUT - he just pooped again, 6:49am! Inside the house, but on the puppy pad. He got a treat for that.

anyways, I was about to say that yesterday he didn't go again until almost 11am, and the day before he went at 9. So I think I'll put him back in the crate around 8:30 or 9 so that he can work up a pee, and then we'll take him out at 10.

Wondering what spurred that instant 2nd poo....maybe it was those darn petsmart biscuits? introduction of the new food? Not too sure.... we'll keep on observing.

Tim just put him in his crate because Oliver was biting at the cardboard in his crate. He just fixed it up a bit and just let him back out.

Ok, Karla should be heading over at noon...we gotta see if we can get a 4th to go to the game. Time to plan out the meals Tim and I will be eating this week!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Puppy fun!

So we went to Randy's place and met up with Clint and Shannon and their pups Stogie and Simone. Oliver didn't like Simone too much...he barked her away. It was fun sharing our pup journeys with the Warrens. It makes this time so much more comforting knowing that people understand what we're going through. These "playdates" are so good...for both the dogs and the parents. Looking forward to Monday!

We took Ollie out for one last pee when we got home (around 10:15pm) and we're putting him to bed as I end this blog.

We have another Cubs game tomorrow with Karla. I'm hoping to get my parents and brother over here sometime to check out their grandson/uncle.

Overall, we had a very successful day. We went from indoor elimination 6 times yesterday to one time today. Good job Oliver!!

First indoor pee in a while...

So, we put the pen together and he's loving it. He has been chillin' around and lounging. I just groomed him and he liked it all except the nail filing. I didn't achieve much with that.

However, he was drinking his water, and I noticed that he started to walk towards the potty pad...and then he peed beside it. 6:45pm. DARN! we were such on a hot streak. We were about to take him out at 7pm.

Well, we won't be letting him out to potty until before bedtime!

But, we just got invited to a puppy party with Clint and Shannon! So...we'll have to see about that.

Gotta shower!

Groomin' Time

We gave him the usual 4:45pm dinner and then took him out for a half our elimination/exercise period. We took a few jogs, met a ton of people who just HAD to pet the cuteness that is Oliver, and then came back. We're all exhausted. Tim's has a diet coke, I had a popsicle, and Ollie had some water. I'm going to use the grooming tools I bought today to brush him right now while he's chillin'.

Next potty stop is at 7:15pm!

Getting into the swing of things...

So mommy took him outside at 3:30 and he successfully peed again - took about 10 minutes. Awesome. It's been over 24 hours that he has not ruined our home with his excrements! We have set up a pen in the living room so he has a place to roam freely. I need to read up about giving him that freedom to roam that space frequently. I still want to lock him up in his pen so he knows that when he's in there, it's time for sleepy. Tim and I disagree a little on how we're going to handle this whole situation. I don't want Oliver to just settle for not going outside, but pee on the puppy pad only when necessary. I'm not exactly sure what Tim's idea is, but I don't feel comfortable with leaving the crate doors open 24-7. I still think he needs to be confined so he really knows he can't go potty in there. I hope he likes his new setup - it IS the third setup Oliver has had to adjust to - the first wasn't so good, the 2nd was better, hopefully third time is a charm.

Dinner is in 45 minutes!

Back from our trip...

We went to Petsmart today and spent a good hour there. He was very good. No peeing or what. He pooped a 2nd time before we got in the car, which was around 10:40 or so, and then we just had him pee at about 12:55. The cashier at petsmart totally fed him 2 large biscuit treats while waiting, which i wasn't so thrilled about, but oh well. Maybe he'll poop 4 times today.

We got him some grooming materials and new food. We're going to phase him off the Purina pro plan that we've been feeding him and switching to eukanuba. He seemed to like it because he was sniffing at it in the store.

We also got him an exercise pen - which we'll have to see if we can get it to work in our small place.

Time for human lunch!

Gotta eat lunch now!

Poop Confirmed

He went again. We got him to pee and poop - we may have had one treat mishap where I thought he was peeing, and i was crouched down to check (corgis are SO low to the floor) and he ran towards my hand to get a treat. I gave him the benefit of the doubt because I *thought* I saw a little bit...oops. He did pee again though so he got another treat. That was a good 30 minute walk. We even got him to run half a block. It was good exercise for us.

Nappy time!

Mornin' sunshine!

So he barked a little bit overnight but no accidents! We did have to take him out at 11:20pm to pee (Tim went alone), but other than that, we took him for his 6am stroll and he let it all out. We just fed him and we're about to walk him again to poop. After that we're hoping to take a quick nap until we hit up petsmart.

I did keep on jumping in and out of bed to check on him when he was barking (so afraid of the reccurence of the first night) so I laid near him until he went back to bed. The hardwood floor is not comfortable. I guess I can slowly stop pampering him with so much attention at night now that I know he can make it through the night with only one pit stop.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Night night!

So we took him out at 9:30, we crossed the street, and he peed within minutes. Awesome. Time for a good night's sleep for us....we hope!!!

Another successful pee!

We're on a roll now. We let him nap again until 7ish and then we went to blockbuster. He peed on the way to the car, which is awesome. He was a little jumpy in the car, and probably because I apparently have a heavy foot with the gas. We brought him back in and he had his last bit of water (although I was supposed to cut him off at 7pm). We're walking him one more time at 9:30! What a crazy day.

Dinnertime - and Dinnertime poop

4:30pm dinner - we took him out at about 4:40, and just came back from a walk. We walked what seemed like a total of 3 blocks! Tim held the leash and I jangled my keys and the treats up ahead. Sometimes Tim had to run to keep up.

He pooped! Success again. We didn't get him to pee, but we'll go out again in an hour or so. Maybe a trip to Blockbuster as well?

He's really taking a liking to the crate now. He doesn't get scared when we put him in there anymore. Tim thought it was okay to put his pet bed back in, so we'll see if I'll have to do another load tonight...keep your fingers crossed!

Separation Anxiety Conquered?

We just went to the cubs game for a couple hours (hot and damp out, BLAH!), and we came back to see oliver sleeping in his crate. Awesome..... no mishaps! Tim's out there trying to make him pee again...he still is not liking the puppy pads. Dinner will be at 4:45, assuming they come back by then.

We're trying to devise a scheme for when we're both going to be gone at work, because he will for sure soil himself for being alone 8 hours.

We might have a play date with Butters (Jill and Scott) next week. How exciting!


Our first ever outdoor poop and pee!!!! At roughly 1:30pm Tim came home and Oliver woke up. After 15 minutes of attempting to get Oliver to pee on the puppy pad, Tim decided to try to get him to go out side. We found a nice spot of grass in the nook of a building and for the first time ever he took a nice big doody. On the way home he also took a pee on the pavement! With each success he got a big "Good Boy!" and a treat.

Keep it up Oliver!!!

Gotta love pups!

Why is it that every time I put him on the puppy pad, he waits until I give up to pee somewhere else. He got the hardwood floor this time, 10:13am. Good thing I was watchin!

Bad pup!


And again...

9:12, i walked him and he did really well...took him back in and put him on the puppy pad, didn't go. he walked 3 steps and peed again on my carpet. The carpet should be the puppy pad.


And it continues...

Pee at 7:28am.


Poop at 7:20. This SUCKS!!! haha....

Accident #2

He peed on the carpet at 6:40am. I took him out of his crate at 6am, and then took him out for 10 minutes and fed him at about 6:15am. Note to self: take him out by 6:30am. Tim had trouble waking up at 6am. Going to make some eggs!


Welcome Home

So I didn't think I was going to do this, but I think it will be a great way to log our new dog's habits, in efforts to train him.

It's about 3:30am, and after a 4 hour drive from Iowa and a couple hours of trying to walk him, Oliver wouldn't poop. He wasn't enjoying walking outside unless people were about to walk by. He loves the attention, that little runt. I woke up about an hour ago to his whining, while he was in his crate, to find 2 presents....#1 and #2. I had trouble waking Tim up to help me do some damage control. I took Oliver outside for two minutes, but he wasn't going to do anything...he let out everything on his bed. I took it out of the crate and it's in the wash right now. Am I doing the right thing? Who knows. I really shouldn't complain; he didn't once make a mess in the car. What a good boy! I'm going to try to get back to sleep...probably to find that he's soiled himself again at 5:30am.
