Our Welsh Corgi

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Busy day

So today was rather busy, because 1) we're exhausted, 2) we had to move all the stuff out of our storage into the house, and 3) we had to take a futon up to Milwaukee.

Tim and I were supposed to get up early this morning to do some work...we got up at 6 and fed Oliver and took him out, but he peed right after he ate, so he didn't go inside. We all then slept until 11, and Tim and I started unloading our storage. Oliver peed again sometime while were doing all the moving.

We all then went out and did more moving stuff, stopped by my parents' house and ate, and I got back just in time to feed him dinner. He looked like he didn't do any damage while I was gone.

I walked him and he peed and pooed after dinner, but it did look like he had a little more poop to come out, but I really needed to park my car, so I dropped him back off here and parked. I came home to a nice little doodoo on the pads, which Oliver was trying to almost eat, which was disgusting. He was still licking at the remains and I will refuse to let him lick my face for I don't know how long, ESPECIALLY since we don't know if he still has worms.

Well, at least the business is all on the pad! haha.....I sprayed the entire front rooms and the bathroom (because i dumped the poop in the toiled) with some spray. Reminds me of the days that Tim has really bad gas.


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