Our Welsh Corgi

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Oliver loves Daddy!

So after our morning outing, I (daddy) took a nap until 11am, when it was time to take Oliver out for potty again. But when we set him on the puppy pad to put on his collar (or pre-potty ritual), he took a pee on the puppy pad. We were happy to see him pee on the pad, rather than the floor, but we wish that we would have taken him out just a little earlier.

So then when we took him outside, there was a much bigger dog walking by that lunged at him. The other dog's owner held him back, but Oliver was so scared that he let out a little tinkle. Two tinkles in 3 minutes! I decided not to give him a treat since I didn't want to reward him for being scared. My puppy has to be a brave puppy.

So then we continued our walk and we bumped into Nicole from our building. She was walking her dog, which was a mid-sized, 2-year old, and they enjoyed playing with each other for a few minutes. They jumped around and sniffed each other's butts. Then as we continued Oliver decided he had to go pee again. 3 tinkles in 15 minutes. That has to be a record.

As we started home Oliver found one more spot of grass that was nice and he let out a nice doody. My only concern however, was that he wasn't eating his treats after he went potty. I put it in front of him, but he didn't seem excited about it. It was more like, "Gee, another treat. No thanks." I made sure he ate it, but we might need to look into upgrading our treats. It seems like our puppy is a little finicky.


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