Happy Bday Rick and Chris!
So we went out to dinner and we tested Oliver on his abilities to stay out of the crate (in the pen) on his own. He did NOT poop (we were sure he would) and we took him out for the pre-night elimination and he did poop AND pee. Good boy!
Oliver did pee on the pad once before I left. I have been rushing to wash my hands quickly to make sure I wouldn't miss his peeing, but of course he snuck it in while I wasn't looking.
Overall today he did really well. He looked very sedated from his vet trip - but right now he has lots of energy. Hopefully he can cool down before we go to bed.
Tomorrow I might do some errands. I have lots to do but I can't put a list together of exactly what to do. We'll find out! My summer is deteriorating day by day.
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